+351 913 576 915
How we price our services
We are your partner for selling directly to your end customers and will adjust our pricing to your preferences. Typically we manage your store on a commission basis: we sell online for you, we get a share of the revenue; we do not sell anything you owe us nothing but a minor admin fee just to keep your store running.
Do you prefer the predictability of a monthly fee? We adjust according to the services you want to contract from us.
This way you have nothing to lose and you can be certain that we will adjust as your brand grows.
For the set up of your store we will charge you between 0 (zero, free, zit)! and 500€ depending on things like how much you have already done and the size of your catalogue.
Essentially, we do not intend to make money by setting up a great online store and leave you with the "hot potato"; we want to create it AND ensure it actually delivers sales. If you are starting from scratch there's lots to do so we need to charge you a little something for that "lots".